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Poster - Restrictive Covenants in Marin County | University of Redlands

Restrictive Covenants in Marin County

Michelle Jennings, 2024, MBA Business Analytics, Susanne Ma, 2024, MBA Business Analytics

Racial discrimination is a dark stain on the fabric of American history and current events. From the slavery of Black people that culminated in the U.S. Civil War, postwar civil rights battles, the Asiatic Barred Zone Act of 1917, to today’s Black Lives Matter movement, those discriminated against, and their allies continue to spotlight and fight for corrections in socio-economic systems that are unjust and inequitable.  Among them, was the practice of racially motivated housing discrimination through Restrictive Covenants that began in the early 1900’s. For our project, we focused on racially driven restrictive covenants in Marin County, California.  Marin County is exposing its history and holding itself accountable by finding and making restrictive covenants public and redacting them one by one.

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