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Recital Repertoire Performance Request Form

Please complete and submit the following form in order to schedule a performance on a Recital Rep Student Recital. Please check the class schedule to find recital dates by viewing the syllabus on Moodle. Requests must be submitted no later than 5 PM on the Friday of the week preceding the performance. You will receive email confirmation once your request is approved and added to the program.

Performers will normally be scheduled on a first come, first served basis with students performing for the first time given priority. Graduate students will be scheduled only if time permits. First-year students will be given priority in late semester performance requests.

All performances and repertoire must be approved by your private teacher and the accompanying coordinator. The list of performers will be emailed to the faculty for approval. Only performances that have the approval of your private instructor will receive performance credit. In the case of chamber ensembles and student compositions, you will only receive performance credit if your private teacher approves.

Performance as a soloist or ensemble member with a pre-recorded accompaniment track where the recorded track is intended to replace the correct instrumentation is unacceptable. If you are unsure as to the acceptability of your selections, please consult with Dr. Modica as soon as you have chosen your music literature.

Please check this box to indicate you have read and understand the Recital Rep Performance Procedures and Policies detailed above.

Accept Procedures and Policy

Requester Information

Have you already performed during this academic year?

Repertoire Information

Performer/Accompanist Information