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The Major in Music Education | University of Redlands

Music Education

The Music Education degree program in the Conservatory of Music of the University of Redlands is committed to excellence in musicianship, teaching, and scholarship in the preparation of future music educators. The Conservatory of Music encourages the highest music standards for Music Education majors.

The Bachelor of Music degree with a major in Music Education provides comprehensive preparation in performance, music history, conducting, theory, piano competency, instrumental techniques and music education methods in a Liberal Arts university setting. Students study with world-class artist-teachers and perform in University and professional performances. University ensembles range in size and level, providing ample opportunities to participate: from the chamber ensemble to choirs, orchestra, wind ensembles and the fully staged opera production. The University's Study Away program includes choices of conservatories and universities in nearly every part of the world. Students choose an Instrumental or Vocal/Choral track for their degree and are encouraged to complete the coursework for both tracks. Music education faculty provides a wealth of knowledge and guidance as experienced K-12 and university practitioners.

The BM degree in Music Education leads to the School of Education Preliminary Teacher Credential Program for the California K-12 music teaching credential. Students are able to begin School of Education teacher credential coursework with the University's waiver program and have options to include credential coursework and student teaching in their undergraduate studies.

Basic Music Courses (all majors) plus:

  • MUAP 300–399 Private Instruction in the Major Instrument or Voice—for a total of 14 credits

  • MUS 151 String Instrument Techniques

  • MUS 133 Woodwind Instrument Techniques

  • MUS 134 Brass Instrument Techniques

  • MUS 131 Percussion Instrument Techniques

  • MUS 299** Upper-Division Qualifying Examination

  • MUS 307 World Music

  • MUS 339 Music in the Elementary School

  • MUS 356 Orchestration—2 credits

  • MUS 323 Choral Music at the Pre-College Level

  • MUS 312 Instrumental Music at the Pre-College Level

  • MUS 399 Junior Recital

  • MUS 498B Half Senior Recital (a minimum of 2 credits of private instruction)

  • Appropriate conducted ensemble—complete a total of 7 credits

  • Chamber Ensemble—2 credits

Additional Courses for the Music Education Major (Vocal Track)

  • MUS 211 Accompanying (keyboard majors)

  • MUS 224 German and Italian Vocal Literature and Diction

  • MUS 225 English and French Vocal Literature and Diction

  • MUS 436 Advanced Choral Conducting

Additional Courses for the Music Education Major (Instrumental Track)

  • MUS 141 Marching Band Techniques

  • MUS 211 Accompanying-2 credits (keyboard majors)

  • MUS 437 Advanced Instrumental Conducting

  • MUSI 124 Introduction to Voice

*For more information regarding Upper-Division Qualifying Jury Examination, see "MUS-299 Upper-Division Qualifying Jury Examination" in the catalog. 

Single Subject Teaching Credential

Students interested in teaching music at the elementary and/or secondary level need to complete a Single-Subject Preliminary Teacher Credential Program in addition to finishing their baccalaureate degree. The courses taken in the Music Education major satisfy the Single-Subject Content Competency requirement for the Preliminary Teacher Credential; students who have not taken the Music Education major must pass the PRAXIS, SSAT, or CSET standardized examination for music to demonstrate content competency.

Students should consult with the music education advisor about their major and degree requirements. Students also need to contact the School of Education’s faculty advisor for undergraduate students to discuss information about undergraduate and post-baccalaureate teacher credential programs. Please refer to the School of Education section of the University Catalog and review the pathways document for further information about the Preliminary Single-Subject Teaching Credential and to view pathways for Music Education students.