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Government | University of Redlands


Government (GOVTCS)

GOVTCS 100 American Government for Teachers (3 Credits)

This course will cover an introduction to the institutions and processes of American government with an emphasis on meeting CCTC Teacher Preparation Standards. Topics include the U.S. Constitution, federalism, political participation, civil rights and liberties, Congress, the presidency, and important Supreme Court cases.

GOVTCS 111 American National Government and Politics (4 Credits)

Introduction to the dynamics of government and politics in the United States and analysis of major contemporary public policy problems.

GOVTCS 306 Constitutional Law: National and State Powers (4 Credits)

Examination of governmental powers focusing primarily upon the Supreme Court's interpretation of constitutional language contained in Articles I, II, III, VI, and Amendment X. The relationships among legislative, executive, and judicial powers, as well as the nexus between national and state powers, are extensively explored.

GOVTCS 380 Government Internship (1-4 Credits)

Gain work experience in a career field at the explanatory or advanced level. For advanced credit, 300-level and above, you must have previous experience in the field.

GOVTCS 480 Government Internship (1-4 Credits)

Gain work experience in a career field at the explanatory or advanced level. For advanced credit, 300-level and above, you must have previous experience in the field.