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Leadership | University of Redlands


Leadership Courses

BUSCS 322 Leading and Managing Teams (3 Credits)

Examine how effective teams are led and managed even when you may not have direct authority over team members. Understand hierarchies, team dynamics, managing expectations, coaching, mentoring, aligning teams with organizational goals, and communication.

BUSCS 325 Organizational Leadership Principles and Practice (2 Credits)

Explore organizational leadership roles: visionary, manager, director, change agent, supervisor, coach, and mentor. Identify how leadership styles influence the direction of the organization. Develop an appreciation for how leaders affect daily operations.

BUSCS 600 Situational Leadership & Strategic Thinking (1 Credits)

Explore situational leadership dynamics and your role as a visionary, manager, director, change agent, supervisor, coach and mentor. Examine strategies to become more effective in your daily work by improving your approach to operational, tactical, strategic and managerial decision-making.

HADCS 302 Healthcare Leadership Principles and Practice (3 Credits)

Explore the principles of leadership, supervision, and management within the healthcare system.