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Academics | University of Redlands



A full-time semester course load is between 12-16 credits. Most U of R courses are worth 4 credits each and students take 3-4 courses. Students on a J-1 visa are required to take 12 or more credits.  

Course Offerings

The University of Redlands offers over 40 degree programs. Exchange students can enroll in courses in any degree program as long as they meet any course prerequisites and there is space in the course. Information about the U of R’s academic programs can be found here:

Course Registration

Exchange students will be assigned a U of R faculty advisor and will meet with them virtually prior to course registration. The advisor will assist students with the course enrollment process. 

Academic Support Services and Accessibility

The University of Redlands Academic Success Center is a space to help students develop and strengthen skills to help with a student’s academic success. Support they offer includes:

  • Subject Tutoring
  • Writing Tutoring
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Academic Success Workshops

More detailed information about their services and how to schedule appointments with their office can be found here:

Exchange students who receive academic accommodations at their home university are able to receive accommodations at the University of Redlands. Accommodations commonly used by students are: extended time on exams, time-and-a-half or double time, exams in a reduced-distraction environment, note-taking and alternative texts. Students would need to work with the Associate Director of Accessibility. More information about accessibility at the U of R can be found here: