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Summer Science Research | University of Redlands

Summer Science Research

The Summer Science Research Award takes applicants from the Environmental Studies/Science department each summer. They provide free housing, and it is a paid research opportunity! The Stauffer Center for Research has many donors that fund research within the fields of Environmental science (ecology, hydrology, etc.), Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, and Physics. Students that apply and are awarded this experience gain hands-on skills that are easily translated into their respective area of post-graduation study. A final poster session allows you to show off the culmination of your project to fellow researchers and faculty, which is another key piece you get to have under your belt.  

If you are looking to work with a professor about what they might be doing this summer do not be shy, someone in each of the STEM departments will be looking for help! 

Dr. Wendy McIntyre in the past has had students work in Bearpaw Preserve camera trapping mammals and performing ecology surveys with field tools that will become remarkably familiar by the end of it all. A project done in the summer of 2021 looked at post-wildfire implications of black bears and mule deer within the preserve.  Summer of 2022 analyzed the ecological succession after the fire through remote sensing and wildlife camera installations. 

Dr. Hillary Jenkins often works with students up towards Big Bear Lake, California working with tree rings and paleoclimatology as well as montane meadow hydrology. If you are interested in Earth Science field experience Dr. Jenkins will be more than helpful in facilitating a thorough understanding of your field site and the forces at play (drought, wildfire intensity, climate change at large!)  

2023 Summer Science Application

Contact Eric Hill at about available summer positions. 

SRAdvertisement 2023b.docx

Summer Science Application.pdf


Characterizing the Hydrology Variability of Meadows in the San Bernardino Mountains 

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Analyzing the Ecological Succession in the Bearpaw Reserve Using Motion Detector Cameras and GIS Remote Sensing 

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From the Skies: A Look at Vegetative Health of Meadows Over Time Using Landsat and NDVI

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Who Grows There? Analyzing Montane Meadow Vegetation as an Indicator of Hydrologic Stress

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An Ecological Survey of Black Bears

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Human Impacts on Marine Mammal Behavior

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Vegetation Mapping and Wildlife Monitoring

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