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Resources at the Center for Spatial Business | University of Redlands | University of Redlands

Resources at the Center for Spatial Business

From conference articles and workshop slides to industry and academic journals, you’ll find resources to support the understanding and advancement of business GIS and spatial analysis.

National and International Workshops and Conferences

2018: ICIS Pre-Conference Workshop on Location Analytics and Competitive Advantage of Place, San Francisco

2016: AMCIS Workshop, San Diego

2016: ICIS Pre-Conference Workshop on Big Data: Foundation, Emerging Applications and Research - December 2016 Dublin, Ireland

2014: AMCIS Workshop on GIS for Smart Sustainability, August 2014 – Savannah, GA

Center Staff Publications

Journal Articles

  • Bai, B., Gopalan, N., Beutell, N., & Ren, F. (2021). Impact of absolute and relative commute time on work–family conflict: Work schedule control, child care hours, and life satisfaction. Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
  • Chen, J., Liu, L., Zhou, S., Song, G., Xiao, L., & Ren, F. (2017). Modeling spatial effect in residential burglary: A case study from ZG City, China. International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(5), 138.
  • Farkas, D., Hilton, B., Pick, J., Ramakrishna, H., Sarkar, A. & Shin, N. (2015). A tutorial on geographic information systems: A ten-year update. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 38, Article 9. Available at
  • Greene, R. P., & Pick, J. B. (2012). Chicago’s changing suburban hierarchy: 2000 to 2010. Journal of Maps, 18(3), 185-208.
  • Liu, L., Feng, J., Ren, F., Xiao, L. (2018). Examining the relationship between neighborhood environment and residential locations of juvenile and adult migrant burglars in China. Cities.
  • Nishida, T., Pick, J. B., & Sarkar, A. (2014). Japan’s prefectural digital divide: A multivariate and spatial analysis. Telecommunications Policy, 38(11), 992-1010.
  • Pick, J. B. (2017). Smart cities in US and worldwide: Rich arena for MIS studies. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 19(3), 1-12.
  • Pick, J. B., & Azari, R. (2011). A global model of utilization of technology based on governmental, social, economic, and business investment factors. Journal of Management Information Systems, 28(1), 51-85.
  • Pick, J. B., & Nishida, T. (2015). Digital divides in the world and its regions: A spatial and multivariate analysis of technological utilization. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 91, 1-17.
  • Pick, J., Nishida, T., & Zhang, X. (2013). Determinants of China’s technology availability and utilization 2006–2009: A spatial analysis. The Information Society, 29(1), 26-48.
  • Pick, J. B., Sarkar, A., & Johnson, J. (2015). United States digital divide: State level analysis of spatial clustering and multivariate determinants of ICT utilization. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 49(C), 16-32. 10.1016/j.seps.2014.09.001
  • Pick, J. B., Sarkar, A., & Parrish, E. (2020). The Latin American and Caribbean digital divide: A geospatial and multivariate analysis. Information Technology for Development.
  • Pick, J. B., Sarkar, A., & Rosales, J. (2019). A spatial and regression analysis of social media in the United States counties. International Journal on Geo-Information, 8(11), 424, published online. doi:10.3390/ijgi8090424 (PDF)
  • Pick, J. B., Turetken, O., Deokar, A., & Sarkar, A. (2017). Location analytics and decision support: Reflections on recent advancements, a research framework, and the path ahead. Decision Support Systems, 99, 1-8.
  • Ren, F., & Kwan, M.-P. (2007). Geovisualization of human hybrid activity-travel patterns. Transactions in GIS, 11(5): 721-744. 
  • Ren, F., & Kwan, M.-P. (2009). The impact of geographic context on E-shopping behavior. Environment and Planning B, 36, 262-278.
  • Ren, F., & Kwan, M.-P. (2009). The impact of the internet on human activity-travel patterns: Analysis of gender differences using multi-group structural equation models. Journal of Transport Geography, 17, 440-450.
  • Ren, F., Kwan, M.-P., & Schwanen, T. (2013). Investigating the temporal dynamics of internet activities. Time & Society, 22(2), 186-215.
  • Ren, F., Tong, D., & Kwan, M-P. (2014). Developing space-time measures of demand for service with individual activity –Travel. Geografiska Annaler B, 96(4), 299–401.
  • Sarkar, A., Koohikamali, M., & Pick, J. B. (2019). Spatial and socioeconomic analysis of host participation in the sharing economy – Airbnb in New York City. Information Technology & People. Special issue on Sharing Economy, published online. 10.1108/ITP-10-2018-0481
  • Schwanen, T., Kwan, M.-P., & Ren, F. (2008). How fixed is fixed? Gendered rigidity of space-time constraints and geographies of everyday activities. Geoforum, 39(6): 2109-2121.
  • Schwanen, T., Kwan, M.-P., & Ren, F. (2014). The internet and the gender division of household labour. The Geographical Journal, 180(1), 52-64.
  • Tong, D., Ren, F., & Mack, J. (2012). Locating farmers’ markets with an incorporation of spatio-temporal variation. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 46(2), 149-156.

Book Chapters

  • Christopher, F., Henson, W., & Garth, R. (2016). Translator TTX - Bridging the communication gap between researchers and emergency responders. Chapter 14, pp. 105, D. R. Maidment, A. Rajib, P. Lin, E. P. Clark, (Eds.), National Water Center Innovators Program Summer Institute Report. Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. CUAHSI Technical Report No. 13, 122.  10.4211/technical.20161019
  • Gray, P., Horan, T., & Pick, J. B. (2013). Geographic information systems. In S. Gass & C. M. Harris (Eds.), Encyclopedia of operations research and management science (3rd ed.). Springer Science.
  • Perry, M., Pick, J., & Rosales, J. (2015). Renewable energy challenges and opportunities: Geospatial and qualitative analysis of Southern California. In Y. Xie (Ed.), Geo-informatics in resource management and sustainable ecosystem. Communications in computer and information science, volume 482 (pp. 571-580). Springer-Verlag.
  • Pick, J. B. (2013). Geographical information systems. In D. Straub & R. Welke (Eds.), Encyclopedia of management, volume 7. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Pick, J. B., Nishida, T., & Sarkar, A. (2014). Broadband utilization in the Indian states: Socio-economic correlates and geographic aspects. In J. Choudrie and C. Middleton (Eds.), Management of broadband technology innovation (pp. 269-296). Routledge.
  • Pick, J. B., Nishida, T., & Sarkar, A. (2013). Socio-economic correlates and geographic aspects of technology utilization in the Indian states. Invited manuscript in revision with J. Choudrie & C. Middleton (Eds.), Management of broadband technology innovation. Routledge.
  • Pick, J. B., & Sarkar, A. (2020). Digital divides. In P. C. Adams & B. Warf (Eds.), Handbook on media geographies. Taylor & Francis.
  • Pick, J. B., & Sarkar, A. (2020). Geographies of global digital divides. In B. Warf (Ed.), Geographies of the internet. CRC Press.
  • Pick, J. B., & Sarkar, A. (2018). Global digital divides. In B. Warf (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of the internet, volume 3. SAGE Inc.
  • Ren, F. (2016). Activity space. In B. Warf (Ed.), Oxford bibliographies in geography. Oxford University Press.
  • Ren, F. (2016). Density estimation. In The international encyclopedia of geography: People, the Earth, environment, and technology. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Sarkar, A., Pick, J. B., & Rosales, J. (2018). ICT-enabled e-entertainment services in United States counties: Socio-economic determinants and geographic patterns. In J. Choudrie, S. Kurnia, & P. Tsatsou (Eds.), Innovative ICT-enabled services and social inclusion (pp. 416-443). Routledge.
  • Skaletsky, M., Pick, J. B., Sarkar, A., & Yates, D. J. (2018). Digital divides: Past, present, and future. In R. Galliers & M.-K. Stein (Eds.), The Routledge companion to management information systems (pp. 416-443). Routledge.

Refereed Papers in Conference Proceedings

  • Franklin, C. G. (2015). Space-time diffusion visualization using Bayesian inference: Location analytics. ICIS 2015 Pre-Conference Workshop. Best Paper Award in Workshop. Thirty-Sixth International Conference on Information.
  • Koohikamali, M., Sarkar, A., & Pick, J. B. (2017). Motivations to participate in sharing economy: How location matters? Emerging Research Forum. Proceedings of 2017 Americas Conference on Information Systems. Association for Information Systems.
  • Munnich, L., Fried, T., Cho, J., & Horan, T. (2021). Spatial location and air transport connections: The case of Minnesota’s medical device industry cluster. Proceedings of the 54th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE. (PDF)
  • Nishida, T., Pick, J. B., & Sarkar, A. (2012). Spatial and multivariate analysis of Japan’s prefectural digital divide. Proceedings of 2012 Americas Conference on Information Systems. Association for Information Systems.
  • Pick, J. B., & Nishida, T. (2012). Determinants of worldwide technology utilization and availability: A geospatial and regression analysis. Proceedings of the Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE (pp. 4840-4849). Revised and expanded version under review at Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
  • Pick, J. B., & Nishida, T. (2011). Spatial analysis of the global digital divide. Proceedings of the 2011 Americas Conference on Information Systems. Association for Information Systems.
  • Pick, J. B., Nishida, T., & Sarkar, A. (2013). Socio-economic correlates and geographic aspects of technology utilization in the Indian states. Invited manuscript in revision with J. Choudrie and C. Middleton (Eds.), Management of Broadband Technology Innovation. Routledge.
  • Pick, J. B., & Sarkar, A. (2016). Theories of the digital divide: Critical comparison. Proceedings of the 49th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE. 10.1109/HICSS.2016.484
  • Pick, J. B., Sarkar, A., & Parrish, E. (2017). The digital divide in Latin America and the Caribbean: A multivariate and geospatial analysis. Proceedings of 2017 Americas Conference on Information Systems. Association for Information Systems.
  • Pick, J. B., Sarkar, A., & Rosales, J. (2018). Social media utilization in U.S. counties: A spatial and multivariate analysis. 2018 DSI Annual Meeting Proceedings. Decision Sciences Institute.
  • Ramakrishna, H., Sarkar, A., & Vijayaraman, B. (2011, April). A Comparison of infusion of GIS and spatial analysis concepts among AACSB and non-AACSB business schools. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Western Decision Sciences Institute.
  • Sarkar, A., Koohikamali, M., & Pick, J. B. (2019). Spatial and socioeconomic analysis of host participation in the shared accommodation economy – The case of Airbnb in New York City. Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE.
  • Sarkar, A., Koohikamali, M., & Pick, J. B. (2017). Spatiotemporal patterns and socioeconomic dimensions of shared accommodations: The case of Airbnb in Los Angeles, California. Proceedings of 2017 International Symposium on Spatiotemporal Computing.
  • Sarkar, A., & Pick, J. B. (2019). Disparities in purposeful internet use in U.S. states: Spatiotemporal patterns and socioeconomic influences. Proceedings of Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy. American University College of Law.
  • Sarkar, A., & Pick, J. B. (2012). GIS in business school curricula: Trends and a case study. Proceedings of the Information Systems Education Conference. Education Special Interest Group of AITP, Vol. 29, (pp. 1-11).
  • Sarkar, A., Pick, J. B., & Moss, G. (2017). Geographic patterns and socio-economic influences on mobile internet access and use in U.S. counties. Proceedings of the 50th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE, 4148-4158.
  • Sarkar, A., Pick, J. B., & Parrish, E. (2017). Spatial patterns and socioeconomic dimensions of internet use in U.S. states: Implications for the digital divide. 2017 DSI Annual Meeting Proceedings. Decision Science Institute.
  • Sarkar, A., Ramakrishna, H., & Vijayaraman, B. (2012). A profile of OR-GIS journal publications: History and trends. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute.


  • Pick, J. B., Sarkar, A., & Horan, T. A. (2021, in press). Spatial business: Competing and leading with location intelligence. Esri Press.
  • Pick, J. B. (with Chapter 6 co-authored by Monica Perry). (2017). Renewable energy: Problems and prospects in the Coachella Valley of California. Springer Nature.
  • Pick, J. B., & Sarkar, A. (2015). The global digital divides: Explaining change. Springer-Verlag. 10.1007/978-3-662-46602-5

Working Papers

  • Pick, J. B., Gollakota, K., Falatoon, H., Benvenuti, L., & Jimerson, N. GIS for advantage in marketing and routing: Case study of a small home accessories firm.
  • Pick, J., & Shin, N. Assessing the business value of geographic information systems: A process-oriented approach.
  • Ramakrishna, H., Sarkar, A., & Vijayaraman, B. Infusion of spatial analysis and GIS in business school curriculum: A status report.